Rosebud, Alberta

Rosebud, Alberta is a documentary about a village in the heart of oil country that has turned to the arts to save it from becoming a ghost town. With attention to experience over exposition, the film shows a day in the life of this hamlet of 86 that attracts 40 000 theatre-goers each year. Directed by Eric Pauls, with Cinematography by Michael Janke and music composed by Sarah Houston and Eric Pauls.

We are excited to announce that the film is now available for free here and at We have decided to release the film as a way to help support the Rosebud Theatre. The magic of this town and theatre community was what inspired Eric Pauls and Michael Janke to make the film and now that it is in jeopardy we are asking those who like the film to donate to the theatre. 

Support Rosebud Theatre


Rosebud, Alberta Deleted Scenes


For more details on how to support the Theatre, please visit and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates or join our mailing list for more informaiton.



Rosebud Poster (MAY 28).jpg






Director/ Producer ...........….......................... Eric Pauls
Cinematographer / Steadicam/ Co-Producer ... Michael Janke
Production Manager ...…………………............... Kyla Ferrier
Composers .....………………….. Sarah Houston and Eric Pauls
Sound .......................…….................. Phillip Dransfeld
Camera Assistant.......……………….................Noah Leach
Soundtrack Engineer ..........……………....… Paul Zacharias
Craft Services ........................…………….... Jeany Snider
Graphics ..................................…….…... Brock Roberts
Production Assist .....................….… Alysa van Haastert
French Horn ............................……...... Donovan Snider
Violin .....................................……..... Nathan Schmidt
Joseph Director.......................……………. Morris Ertman
Joseph Set Design.....................……… Stephen Ellerbeck
Joseph Costume Design............……………… Hanne Loosen

Cast (In Order of appearance)
Jeany Snider
David Snider
Cassia Schmidt
Nathan Schmidt
Daniel Schramm
Travis Friesen
Bradley Graham
Morris Ertman
Anna Dalgleish
Stephanie Lanting
Arwen Eliuk
Kai Lassen
Shauna Murphy
Emily Anne Salkeld
Weston Snider
Sheila Jaffe
Robert Uchida
Leana Rutt
Keith Hamm
Aaron Schwebel
Chantal Marsolais
Heidi MacDonald
Trisha Lewandowski
Caitlyn O’Connor
Emily Fletcher
Rachel Flethcer
Diane Laubenstein
Gunther Laubenstein
Mike Thiessen
Donovan Snider
Daniel Fong
Jaden Hamm
Bethany Wickens
Shayleigh Sihlis
Jordan Sabo
Amy Castro

Rosebud Theatre
Mark Lewandowski
Amber Pauls
Rosebud School of the Arts
Alysa Van Haastert
Paige K Boudreau
Ryan Bouman
Eric Boudreau
Deluxe Design Group
Brandon DeWyn
Daniel Braun
Grant Cooper
karen Pickles
Bill Daughtery

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.
